Nuke Knitter

A Nuclear Engineer who knits? Go Figure.

Friday, June 22, 2007

What to knit, What to knit...

I'm leaving for a conference in Boston tomorrow and I don't know what to bring with me. It needs to be something that I can easily fit in my laptop bag. Since all the projects I am working on right now are quite big, I'm at a loss for ideas. Any suggestions?
I finished my SFBE (Spring Felted Bag Exchange) bag this week. I wasn't able to fix it. It's very cute, but completely impractical. You can cinch the front, but the back gaps open. Here are some pictures (in black & white because she certainly has color preferences).

I decided to make my old standby the One Skein clutch in her favorite color. I'm going to include in the package and hopefully she won't hate me.

By the way, what do you think of our brand new fence? It's a godsend when it comes to The Idiots.

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At 9:30 AM, Blogger c h r i s t i n e said...

Whenever I needed a knitting project for my backpack to knit while running from here or there at school, my back up was always always hats. Mostly stockinette, but they are always easy to pick up whenever and super fast to knit.

At 5:13 PM, Blogger LunabudKnits said...

What about adding a few buttons to it? I love the design:) Very unique! Where did you find the pattern?


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