Nuke Knitter

A Nuclear Engineer who knits? Go Figure.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

St. Louis and a Leak!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I usually post on the weekends, but this weekend Greg & I went to St. Louis to see Cirque du Soleil. The whole weekend was decadent and wonderful!!

We went to the Arch Saturday day. No one ever told us about how you get up there. I mean, we knew there was a tram and all, but no one ever told us about the 4 ft. tall doors and the super small pods that are supposed to fit five people. Here's a picture of Greg standing next to the door. He's 6'2", the steel door is not.

I have some pictures of the view from the top, but they aren't very impressive considering the windows were all smudged up from face grease from everyone pressing their faces all over them. However, the exterior of the arch is super impressive to two engineers.

I came home today and immediately saw this:

My immediate thought was that one of the Idiots got bored and chewed up some drywall. (Trust me, it's happened before.) Then I looked up.

A backed up AC drain line had caused a leak and the ceiling had collapsed. Wonderful. Good thing we were planning on replacing the floors AND Greg has next week off so he can fix the drywall.

I'm about to go to a Newcomer's meeting where everyone brings a salad. I'm bringing Tarragon Chicken Salad.

Tarragon Chicken Salad

2 c diced cooked chicken (I usually boil)
1 c green grapes, halved
1/2 c chopped celery
1/2 c chopped almonds
1 c mayo
1 T dried tarragon

Combine all ingredients

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At 5:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, that ceiling looks scary :( What an icky thing to have to come home to! Hopefully things have been drastically improving since!

At 8:34 PM, Blogger Cornellian said...

That ceiling looked like there was a cat clinging to it at first O_O


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